General Terms and Conditions
Effective date: 2025.02.26.
Please carefully read our General Terms and Conditions, as by placing your order you agree to our General Terms and Conditions!
If you have any questions regarding the use of our webshop, the ordering process, the products we sell or our General Terms and Conditions, you can contact our company at the following contact details:
Company Information
Company Name: | Kommunikál-OK Kft. |
Address: | 4400 Nyíregyháza Napkorong u. 4/B. |
Postal Address: | 4400 Nyíregyháza Napkorong u. 4/B. |
Tax number: | 24212164-1-15 |
Company registration number: | 15-09-080204 |
Court of registration: | Nyíregyháza Court of Registry |
Bank account number: |
Polgári Bank Zrt. Nyíregyháza Acc: 61200412-10050642 IBAN: HU53 6120 0412 1005 0642 0000 0000 OTP BANK NYRT. Acc: 11738008-21522505 IBAN: HU47 1173 8008 2152 2505 0000 0000 |
Representative: | Kozák Lászlóné |
Website: | |
Email address: | |
Hosting provider information:
Rackhost Zrt, 6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos körút 41., +36 1 445 1200,
- Parties: User and Service Provider/Company together
- User: a natural person acting outside the scope of their business or profession, who has reached the age of majority, is at least 18 years old
- User Agreement: an agreement where one of the parties is a User
- Warranty: in the case of a Consumer Agreement, as defined by the Civil Code:
- a warranty exceeding the statutory obligation, and which is given voluntarily by the party, in exchange for proper performance of the contract
- a statutory warranty, based on law
- Agreement: a purchase agreement between the User and the Service Provider/Company made through the webshop and email
- Agreement concluded at a distance: a user agreement made through a distance sales system organised for the sale of goods or services, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, whereby the parties conclude the contract exclusively through distance communication channels
- Goods: available for purchase through our webshop, and which can be physically taken possession of:
- movable property, including water, gas and electricity supplied in limited quantities or with a defined volume in containers, tanks or bottles
- movable property, containing digital content or digital services, in such a way that the relevant digital content or digital service cannot be provided separately from the goods in question, and the digital content or digital service is essential for the goods to function (hereinafter: goods containing digital elements)
- Purchase price: the price to be paid for the goods, or for the supply of digital content or digital services
- Goods containing digital elements: movable property containing or linked to digital content or digital services, in such a way that the relevant digital content or digital service cannot be provided separately from the goods in question, and the digital content or digital service is essential for the goods to function
- Compatibility: the ability of goods containing digital elements, digital content or digital services to function with hardware or software without the need for adaptation, which is typically used for similar goods, digital content or digital services
- Interoperability: the ability of goods containing digital elements, digital content or digital services to function with hardware and software that is different from that typically used for similar goods, digital content or digital services
- Functionality: the ability of goods containing digital elements, digital content or digital services to perform the functions for which they are intended
- Manufacturer: the producer of the goods, for imported goods, the importer who brings the goods into the European Union territory, or any person who presents themselves as the producer on the goods using their name, trademark, or any other distinguishing mark
- Durable medium: any device that allows the consumer or the company to store data addressed to them personally in such a way that it is accessible in the future, for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the data, and that allows unchanged reproduction of the stored data
- Distance communication channel: any device that allows the parties to conclude a contract remotely. This includes, but is not limited to, letters sent to a specific address, standardised forms, brochures, telephone, fax and the internet
- Company: a person acting in the course of their business or profession
- Webshop: our webshop where the conclusion of the contract takes place
Relevant legislation
- 1997. évi CLV. Act on Consumer Protection
- 1999. évi LXXVI. Act on Copyright
- 2001. évi CVIII. Act on electronic commerce services and certain aspects of information society services
- 151/2003. (IX.22.) Government Decree on the statutory warranty of durable consumer goods
- 2011. évi CXX. Act on the right to informational self-determination and freedom of information
- 2013. évi V. Act on the Civil Code
- 19/2014. (IV.29.) NGM Decree on the procedures for handling warranty and guarantee claims relating to goods sold in the framework of a contract between a consumer and a company
- 45/2014. (II.26.) Government Decree on detailed rules for contracts between consumers and companies
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
- Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2018 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on a customer's nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market, amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC
- Government Decree 373/2021. (VI. 30.) on detailed rules for contracts between consumers and companies concerning the sale of goods, the supply of digital content and the supply of digital services
Validity and acceptance of the GTC
In addition to the relevant legislation, the terms of the contract concluded also comply with our General Terms and Conditions. These terms outline your rights, obligations, the terms of concluding the contract, payment and delivery terms, deadlines, rules on liability, and the exercise of your right of withdrawal.
By placing your order, you agree to our General Terms and Conditions, which form part of the contract concluded.
Language and form of the Agreement
The language of the Agreement is Hungarian.
The Agreement is concluded when you place an order, and by accepting our General Terms and Conditions.
Prices are quoted in Hungarian Forints. Our company is VAT exempt, so our prices do not include VAT. We reserve the right to change prices.
Complaint handling and legal redress
You can submit any complaints regarding the Goods or our company's activities at the following contact details:
- Email address:
Complaints should primarily be made in writing, although in some cases, they can also be made orally. Complaints can relate to the conduct of a company representative, their work, or any omissions they make, directly related to the distribution or sale of goods.
Oral complaints will be investigated immediately and resolved if possible. If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled, or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, our company will draw up a record of the complaint and its position, of which a copy will be provided to you (in the case of personal presence, the copy will be provided on the spot). In the case of an email complaint, the copy will be sent to you within 30 days, together with our response.
Written complaints will be responded to in writing within 30 days of receipt. If your complaint is rejected, our company will explain its position. Our company is obliged to provide a unique reference number for your complaint, if it was made by telephone or through an electronic communication channel.
The record of your complaint will include the following information:
- The location, method, and time of submission of your complaint
- Your name, address and contact details
- A detailed description of your complaint, as well as a list of any documents, records or evidence
- Our company's statement regarding your complaint, if it can be investigated immediately
- The location and time of taking the record
- Signatures of the record taker and the consumer - the consumer's signature is required if the complaint was made in person
- The unique complaint reference number - in the case of a complaint submitted by telephone or through an electronic communication channel
Our company will keep a copy of the complaint record and our response for 5 years, and will present it to the supervisory authority upon request.
If we reject your complaint, we will inform you in writing about which authority or Conciliation Body you can contact to pursue your complaint. The information will include the address of the relevant authority or Conciliation Body, the address of your local Conciliation Body, contact details (website, email, phone number), and our company's position on the use of Conciliation Body procedures for consumer dispute resolution.
If we cannot resolve the dispute amicably with you, you may take the following steps to pursue your complaint:
Consumer Protection Authority procedures
If your consumer rights have been violated, you are entitled to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Authority responsible for your place of residence. The authority will decide on the course of the consumer protection proceedings after examining the complaint. The first-instance authorities are responsible for the following tasks:
Court proceedings
You can assert any claims arising from the dispute in court, based on the provisions of the Civil Code of 2013 (Act V of 2013) and the Code of Civil Procedure of 2016 (Act CXXX of 2016).
Conciliation Body procedures
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may contact the Conciliation Body responsible for your place of residence. The condition for initiating the proceedings is that you have attempted to resolve the dispute amicably with our company.
Our company is obliged to cooperate with the Conciliation Body in these proceedings. This means that we must provide the Conciliation Body with a response upon request, and attend the hearing before the Conciliation Body. We must also allow a person authorised to negotiate an agreement to attend the hearing.
If our registered office or place of business is located outside the county of the Chamber of Commerce that operates the competent Conciliation Body, our obligation to cooperate is limited to offering the consumer a written opportunity to reach an amicable agreement.
If we fail to fulfill our cooperation obligations, the matter will be referred to the Consumer Protection Authority, where a fine may be imposed on companies for violations. This is a mandatory penalty, and cannot be waived.
The amount of the fine for small and medium-sized enterprises is between HUF 15,000 and HUF 500,000, while for large companies with an annual net turnover exceeding HUF 100 million, the fine is between HUF 15,000 and 5% of the company's annual net turnover, up to a maximum of HUF 500 million.
You may request that the Conciliation Body initiate proceedings. The request must be submitted in writing (by letter, fax, telegram, or through the Conciliation Body's website, electronically) and must be sent to the President of the Conciliation Body.
The request must include the following information:
- Your name, address/place of residence, contact details
- The name, registered office/place of business of the company involved in the dispute
- Your position and the evidence supporting it
- Your statement that you have attempted to resolve the dispute amicably with the company involved
- Your statement that you have not initiated any other Conciliation Body proceedings, not initiated mediation proceedings, not filed a lawsuit, and not submitted a request for issuance of a payment order
- Your request for a decision by the Conciliation Body
- Your signature
- If you request that a Conciliation Body other than the competent Conciliation Body be responsible for the proceedings, indicate that Conciliation Body
You must attach to the request any document or copy of a document that you rely on as evidence (the company's refusal to address the complaint in writing, or, if that is not available, any written evidence you have of your attempt to reach an amicable settlement).
If you have a representative acting on your behalf, you must attach a power of attorney issued by you to the request.
For more information on Conciliation Bodies:
For more information on the Conciliation Bodies responsible for your area:
Contact details of the Conciliation Bodies responsible for your area
Budapest Conciliation Body
- Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.
- Phone number: +36-1-488-21-31
- Fax number: +36-1-488-21-86
- President: Dr. Baranovszky György
- Email address:
Bács-Kiskun County Conciliation Body
- Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
- Phone number: +36-76-501-525; +36-76-501-500
- Fax number: +36-76-501-538
- President: Dr. Horváth Zsuzsanna
- Email address:
Baranya County Conciliation Body
- Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorosy Imre u. 36.
- Mailing address: 7602 Pécs, Pf. 109.
- Phone number: +36-72-507-154
- Fax number: +36-72-507-152
- President: Dr. Bodnár József
- Email address:
Békés County Conciliation Body
- Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza Itp. 5.
- Phone number: +36-66-324-976; +36-66-446-354
- Fax number: +36-66-324-976
- President: Dr. Bagdi László
- Email address:;
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Body
- Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
- Phone number: +36-46-501-091; +36-46-501-870
- Fax number: +36-46-501-099
- President: Dr. Tulipán Péter
- Email address:
Csongrád-Csanád County Conciliation Body
- Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
- Phone number: +36-62-554-250/118
- Fax number: +36-62-426-149
- President: Dr. Horváth Károly
- Email address:
Fejér County Conciliation Body
- Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúséta tér 4-6.
- Phone number: +36-22-510-310
- Fax number: +36-22-510-312
- President: Dr. Vári Kovács József
- Email address:;
Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Body
- Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
- Phone number: +36-96-520-202; +36-96-520-217
- Fax number: +36-96-520-218
- President: Horváth László
- Email address:
Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Body
- Address: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10.
- Phone number: +36-52-500-735
- Fax number: +36-52-500-720
- President: Dr. Hajnal Zsolt
- Email address:
Heves County Conciliation Body
- Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15.
- Mailing address: 3301 Eger, Pf. 440.
- Phone number: +36-416-660/105
- Fax number: +36-323-615
- President: Dr. Gordos Csaba
- Email address:
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Conciliation Body
- Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8.
- Phone number: +36-56-510-610
- Fax number: +36-56-370-005
- President: Dr. Lajkóné dr. Vígh Judit
- Email address:
Komárom-Esztergom County Conciliation Body
- Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.
- Phone number: +36-34-513-010
- Fax number: +36-34-316-259
- President: Dr. Rozsnyói György
- Email address:
Nógrád County Conciliation Body
- Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/a.
- Phone number: +36-32-520-860
- Fax number: +36-32-520-862
- President: Dr. Pongó Erik
- Email address:
Pest County Conciliation Body
- Address: 1055 Budapest Kossuth tér 6-8.
- Phone number: +36-1-474-79-21
- Fax number: +36-1-474-79-21
- President: dr. Csanádi Károly
- Email address:
Somogy County Conciliation Body
- Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna utca 6.
- Phone number: +36-82-501-000
- Fax number: +36-82-501-046
- President: Dr. Novák Ferenc
- Email address:
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Conciliation Body
- Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.
- Phone number: +36-42-311-544; +36-42-420-180
- Fax number: +36-42-420-180
- President: Görömbeiné dr. Balmaz Katalin
- Email address:
Tolna County Conciliation Body
- Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25.
- Phone number: +36-74-411-661
- Fax number: +36-74-411-456
- President: Dr. Gáll Ferenc
- Email address:
Vas County Conciliation Body
- Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.
- Phone number: +36-94-312-356
- Fax number: +36-94-316-936
- President: Dr. Kövesdi Zoltán
- Email address:
Veszprém County Conciliation Body
- Address: 8200 Veszprém, Budapest u. 3.
- Phone number: +36-88-429-008
- Fax number: +36-88-412-150
- President: Dr. Vasvári Csaba
- Email address:
Zala County Conciliation Body
- Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi utca 24.
- Phone number: +36-92-550-514
- Fax number: +36-92-550-525
- President: Dr. Molnár Sándor
- Email address:;
Online Dispute Resolution Platform
The European Commission has created a website where, following registration as a consumer, you can complete a form to resolve disputes relating to online purchases without having to resort to court proceedings. This is another way to resolve consumer disputes without geographical limitations.
You can file a complaint about the goods or services you have purchased online.
You and the company you are complaining about have the option of jointly choosing a dispute resolution body to handle the complaint.
The online dispute resolution platform can be accessed at:
Our website is a protected work under the Copyright Act of 1999 (Act LXXVI of 1999) in its entirety, and all of its parts are protected by copyright. The use of the images, text, software, and graphic elements on our website without permission is prohibited, as is the modification of our website, and the use of harmful applications. This is prohibited by Section 16 (1) of the same law.
Please be aware that you may only use materials from our website and database (such as images, videos, text) with the written permission of the copyright holder (Kozák Julianna). This must be done with proper attribution.
The software owner has exclusive rights to any attempts at copying, counterfeiting or defamation, and will take legal action against any such attempts.
Partial invalidity and Code of Conduct
If any part of our General Terms and Conditions is legally invalid or unenforceable, this will not affect the validity of the rest of the terms. The relevant provisions of the applicable law shall apply in such cases.
Our company does not have a Code of Conduct as required by the law on unfair commercial practices with regard to consumers.
Technical security measures and digital content operation
The servers that provide the data displayed on our website have an uptime of 99.9% per year. We back up the entire content regularly, and if necessary, the original data can be restored. The data that appears on our website is stored in a database. As these data are sensitive, we encrypt them with a strong encryption method, and we use hardware support for this encryption, which is integrated into the processor.
Product information
You can find information about the properties of our products and services offered for sale or supply on the individual product pages.
Corrections for data entry errors and responsibility for data accuracy
You can edit or correct the data you have entered before confirming your order. You are responsible for the accuracy of the data you provide. We will use this data to issue invoices and deliver goods to the address you have provided. By placing your order, you acknowledge that our company may transfer any costs arising from data entry errors to you. We will not accept responsibility for any errors in data entry that cause incorrect delivery. If your email address or mailbox is full, the confirmation cannot be delivered and the contract will not be valid.
Procedure in the event of incorrect pricing
We disclaim any liability for any demonstrably incorrect prices displayed, despite our best efforts and the use of our IT systems.
A demonstrably incorrect price is:
- 0 HUF
- A price with an incorrectly applied discount (e.g., Original price: HUF 3,000, Discount: 20%, Discounted price: HUF 500, as the correct price should be HUF 2,400)
If an incorrect price has been displayed, we will inform you and offer the option to purchase the goods at the correct price, or you can withdraw from the contract without any consequences.
Using our webshop
Our website provides users with product and service information (images, descriptions, prices), and the option to place orders and subscriptions online. You can browse our website through the menu system. You can select the duration of your subscription and the number of people it applies to. We offer package deals, and in the case of larger orders, we can provide a personalised price. In such cases, please contact us via email, stating the details of the service required (duration, number of people), and the company placing the order.
If you wish to purchase our service, first select the duration of the subscription, then click the "Subscribe" button. You can then adjust the required quantity. When subscribing, you need to provide the following information: your name, address, billing address, email address and payment details. You will receive a confirmation email once your subscription has been successfully processed.
The information provided on our website does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract from our company. You are the offeror.
Processing orders and concluding the Agreement
You can place your orders at any time through our webshop. You will receive an automated notification confirming that your order has been received, but this does not constitute acceptance of your offer. If you do not receive an automated confirmation email within 24 hours of placing your order, please contact us. There may be a technical problem, and your order may not have been received.
Payment methods
Bank transfer
You can pay by bank transfer. We will send you the necessary bank details once we have processed your order. Once we have received your payment, we will pass your package on to the courier service for delivery.
Credit card payment
You can pay securely online by credit card when you finalise your order.
Delivery methods
As our services are provided online, we will send you the service and its authentication key via email or through the website once payment has been received.
MPL courier service
Delivery charges apply for home delivery.
Delivery time: 1-2 working days from dispatch.
MPL Parcel Locker
The MPL Parcel Locker makes quick pick-ups possible. You will receive an SMS code and a phone number that you can use to collect your order at any time.
For more information:
MOL and Coop Posta Point
- Most MOL Posta Points are open 24 hours a day, and Coop Posta Points are open 12 hours a day. You can click here to see which one is closest to you.
- You will receive a notification by SMS or email when your package arrives.
- These locations are easily accessible.
- Simple and free parking at petrol stations
- You can pay by credit card at MOL and Coop Posta Points.
The maximum weight of the package is 20 kg. If it exceeds 20 kg, we cannot use this delivery method.
FoxPost parcel lockers are primarily available at shopping centres. They offer a simple, convenient and time-saving way to collect your packages.
For more information:
Delivery deadline
The general deadline for fulfilling an order is within 30 days of confirming the order. If our company does not fulfil the order within the specified time, you are entitled to request an extension. If our company fails to fulfil the order even within the extended deadline, you are entitled to withdraw from the agreement.
Reservations and conditions
If you have previously ordered goods from us, but did not collect them at delivery (unless you exercised your right of withdrawal), or if the package was returned as unclaimed, our company will fulfil the order if the purchase price and delivery costs are paid in advance.
Our company may withhold the delivery of the package until we are satisfied that the purchase price has been paid by credit card. If the purchase price is not paid in full, our company will remind the consumer of the need to pay the outstanding amount.
Consumer Information as per Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.)
Information on the consumer's right of withdrawal
According to Section 8:1. § 1. (3) of the Civil Code, a consumer is exclusively a natural person acting outside the scope of their business or profession, therefore legal entities are not entitled to an unconditional right of withdrawal.
According to Section 20 of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.), consumers have a right of unconditional withdrawal. The consumer may exercise their right of withdrawal from the purchase agreement within 14 days of receiving the goods.
Please be aware that you cannot exercise your right of withdrawal in the following cases, as defined by Section 29. § (1) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.):
- In the case of digital content that is not supplied on a tangible medium, if our company starts the performance with your express prior consent and you acknowledge that you understand that you lose your right of withdrawal once performance has begun.
As Kommunikál-OK Kft. provides a 14-day trial period for all applicants, which is completely free of charge and accessible in full, anyone can try out our services. We encourage everyone to try out the trial period, and then subscribe to our monthly services. In this case, you will already have 14 full days to test our services. We provide this 14-day option as an extra benefit, in addition to the existing right of withdrawal. We hope this encourages you to become a satisfied user of our services.
You can also exercise your right of withdrawal in the period between concluding the contract and receiving the goods.
If you have made an offer to conclude the contract, you have the right to withdraw the offer before the contract is concluded, which will terminate the offer to conclude the contract.
Withdrawal statement, consumer right of withdrawal and termination
You may exercise the right of withdrawal granted to you by Section 20 of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.) by making a declaration to this effect.
Validity of the consumer's withdrawal statement
Your right of withdrawal is considered valid if your statement is received within the deadline (14 days).
It is your responsibility to prove that you have exercised your right of withdrawal in accordance with this provision.
Our company will electronically confirm receipt of your withdrawal statement, acknowledging receipt of your declaration of withdrawal.
Company obligations in the event of consumer withdrawal
Company's obligation to refund
If the Consumer withdraws from the contract pursuant to Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.), our company shall reimburse the full amount paid by the Consumer, including delivery costs, within 14 days of receiving notice of withdrawal. However, if the consumer has used the 14-day trial period before withdrawing, we consider this period to be included in the withdrawal period.
Please note that this provision does not apply to additional costs arising from your choice of a delivery method that is more expensive than the standard, less expensive delivery method.
How our company fulfils its refund obligation
In accordance with Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.), our company will refund the amount due to the Consumer using the same payment method as the Consumer used for the original payment. With the Consumer's consent, our company may use a different payment method, but the Consumer will not be charged any additional fees as a result. Our company will not be liable for any delays arising from incorrect bank details or mailing addresses provided by the Consumer.
Additional costs
If the Consumer chooses a more expensive delivery method than the standard, less expensive method, our company is not obligated to refund the resulting additional costs. In such cases, our refund obligation is limited to the amount of the standard delivery costs stated.
Right of retention
Our company may withhold the amount owed to the Consumer until the Consumer returns the goods or provides clear evidence that they have returned the goods. We do not accept cash-on-delivery or postage-paid packages.
Consumer obligations in the event of withdrawal/termination
Return of goods
If the Consumer withdraws from the contract pursuant to Section 22 of Government Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.), they must return the goods without undue delay, and no later than 14 days from the date of notifying the withdrawal, or deliver them to a person authorised by our company to collect the goods. The return is considered to have been made within the deadline if the Consumer sends the goods before the deadline expires.
Costs relating to the return of goods
The Consumer is responsible for the cost of returning the goods. The goods must be returned to our company's address. If the Consumer terminates the contract after performance has begun, they must pay a price proportionate to the services provided up to the time of notification. This amount is calculated based on the total price of the goods, including VAT, as agreed in the contract. If the Consumer can prove that the amount calculated in this way is excessive, the proportional amount must be calculated based on the market value of the services provided at the time of termination. We do not accept cash-on-delivery or postage-paid packages.
Consumer liability for depreciation
The Consumer is liable for any depreciation of the goods exceeding normal use, necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases
Please be aware that you cannot exercise your right of withdrawal in the following cases, as defined by Section 29. § (1) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.):
- In the case of alcoholic beverages, whose actual price is not determined by us, but fluctuates due to market factors, and whose price was agreed upon when the contract was concluded, but the contract is only to be performed after 30 days of its conclusion.
- In the case of goods whose price is affected by fluctuations in the financial market that we cannot influence, and where the right of withdrawal is exercised during this period of fluctuation.
- In the case of newspapers, periodicals, and magazines, except for subscription contracts
- In the case of goods that, due to their nature, are inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery
- In the case of contracts for the supply of accommodation, transport, catering, events, leisure activities, or other services, where the contract specifies a date or period of performance, if the Consumer does not specify the date or period of performance before concluding the contract
- In the case of sealed audio or video recordings, computer software, where the seal is broken after delivery
- In the case of goods manufactured or provided according to the Consumer's specifications or request, or goods clearly intended for a specific individual
- In the case of digital content that is not supplied on a tangible medium, if our company starts the performance with your express prior consent and you acknowledge that you understand that you lose your right of withdrawal once performance has begun.
- In the case of goods sold at public auctions
- In the case of perishable goods or goods that deteriorate rapidly
- In the case of contracts for the supply of services, where the entire service has been provided if we have started performing the service with the express prior consent of the consumer, and the consumer acknowledges that they understand that they lose their right of withdrawal once performance has begun.
- In the case of service contracts where we have been specifically requested by the Consumer to provide a service in an emergency, to carry out urgent repairs or maintenance
- In the case of sealed goods that are for hygiene reasons or for health protection purposes, where they have been unsealed after delivery.
Information on warranty, guarantee and liability relating to consumer contracts
This section of the Consumer Information Notice is based on Section 9. § (3) of Government Decree 45/2014. (II.26.) and refers to Section 3 of Annex 3 to Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.)
This notice applies only to consumers, while the rules relating to non-consumers are outlined in a separate section.
General requirements for the performance of a contract to be considered compliant with consumer contracts
The goods must meet the requirements set out in Government Decree 373/2021. (VI.30.) at the time of delivery.
In order for performance to be considered compliant with the contract, the goods must:
- meet the description, quantity, quality, type, as well as possess the functionalities, compatibility, interoperability and other characteristics specified in the contract
- be suitable for the purpose specified by the consumer at the time of concluding the contract, which the company has acknowledged
- include all the accessories, user manuals, as well as instructions for commissioning, installation and customer support specified in the contract
- provide the updates stipulated in the contract
In addition, in order for performance to be considered compliant with the contract, the goods must:
- be suitable for the purposes for which goods of the same type are typically used, as defined by law, technical standards or, in the absence of technical standards, the relevant code of conduct
- have the quantity, quality, performance and other features reasonably expected by the consumer, especially in terms of functionality, compatibility, accessibility, continuity and safety, taking into account what is customary for similar goods, given any public statements made by the company, its representative, or another person in the distribution chain concerning the specific properties of the service, especially in advertising or labelling
- include the accessories and instructions that the consumer reasonably expects, including packaging and instructions for commissioning, installation and operation
- meet the specifications or descriptions provided as samples, models or test versions that were available before concluding the contract.
The goods are not required to meet the above public statements, if our company can demonstrate that:
- it was not aware of the public statement, and was not obliged to be aware of it
- the public statement had been corrected properly before concluding the contract
- the public statement did not affect the consumer's decision to conclude the contract
Specific requirements for the performance of goods containing digital elements
In the case of goods containing digital elements, our company must ensure that the consumer is informed of any updates to the digital content of the goods or digital services relating to the goods - including security updates - that are necessary to maintain the compliant performance of the goods, and also ensure that the consumer receives these updates.
Our company must ensure that the updates are made available if:
- the contract concerns a one-time supply of digital content or digital services, then the type and purpose of the goods and digital elements, as well as the specific circumstances and the nature of the contract are such that the consumer can reasonably expect this; or
- the contract concerns the continuous supply of digital content over a certain period, then for a period not exceeding two years from the date of delivery of the goods, but at least for the duration of the continuous service.
If the consumer does not install the updates made available as described above within a reasonable period, the company is not liable for any defects in the goods if the defect is solely due to the failure to install the relevant update, provided that:
- the company has informed the consumer about the availability of the update and the consequences of the consumer failing to install it; and
- the failure to install the update by the consumer, or the incorrect installation of the update by the consumer, is not attributable to any deficiency in the installation instructions provided by the company.
Non-compliant performance cannot be established if, at the time of concluding the contract, the consumer was informed that a particular feature of the goods differed from the requirements outlined above, and the consumer specifically agreed to this discrepancy when concluding the contract.
Specific requirements for the performance of goods
Our company performs incorrectly if the defect in the goods stems from the incorrect installation of the goods, provided that:
- the installation of the goods forms part of the purchase agreement, and this is carried out by our company, or is carried out under our company's responsibility; or
- the installation of the goods was to be carried out by the consumer, and the incorrect installation of the goods is due to deficiencies in the installation instructions provided by our company - or, in the case of goods containing digital elements, by the supplier of the digital content or digital services - or is due to a deficiency in the installation instructions provided by our company or the supplier of the digital content or digital services.
Performance is considered complete by our company if the installation of the goods is completed by our company, or is carried out under our company's responsibility.
If the purchase agreement concerns the continuous supply of digital content or digital services for a specified period of time, our company is liable for defects in the goods in relation to the digital content or digital services, if the defect occurs:
- within two years from the date of delivery of the goods, for a period of continuous supply not exceeding two years; or
- for the duration of the continuous supply, if the continuous supply lasts for more than two years, or if the defect occurs or becomes apparent within this period.
When can you exercise your right of warranty?
You may exercise your warranty rights against our company in the case of defective performance, based on the provisions of the Civil Code, or the provisions of the Consumer Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Government Decree 373/2021 (VI.30.).
What are your rights based on your warranty claim?
You may exercise the following warranty rights:
- You may request repair or replacement, unless the remedy you have chosen is impossible or disproportionately expensive for our company. If you do not request repair or replacement, or if you are not entitled to do so, you may request a reduction in the purchase price or, at our company's expense, you may repair or have the goods repaired by a third party, or, as a last resort, you may withdraw from the agreement.
- You may change the warranty right you have chosen to a different one, but you will bear the cost of the change unless the change is justified, or our company is responsible for it.
In the case of consumer agreements, it must be presumed until proven otherwise that any defect discovered within one year of delivery already existed at the time of delivery - this does not apply if this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or the nature of the defect.
The rules governing warranty and guarantee rights are different for used goods than for general rules. Used goods may also be defective, but certain circumstances must be taken into account. In the case of used goods, some defects may occur more often during use, and their likelihood may increase with time. This means that a used item cannot be expected to be of the same quality as a new item. Therefore, consumers can only assert their warranty rights in the case of defects that occur independently of any defects that could be expected due to the goods being used. If the consumer is informed about a defect in the used goods, and the consumer is aware of this defect, our company is not liable for this known defect.
Our company may refuse to rectify the goods in a manner compliant with the contract if repair or replacement is impossible or would result in disproportionate costs for the company, taking into account all the circumstances, including the value of the service in perfect condition, and the severity of the breach of contract.
The consumer is also entitled to claim a proportionate reduction in the purchase price or to terminate the purchase agreement, taking into account the severity of the breach of contract, if:
- our company has not repaired or replaced the goods, or has done so but failed to meet one or more of the following conditions:
- our company must cover the costs of returning the replaced goods
- if repair or replacement requires the removal of goods that have been installed according to the nature and purpose of the goods before the defect was discovered, then the obligation to repair or replace includes the removal of the defective goods and the installation of the replacement goods, or the costs of removal and installation
- our company has refused to rectify the goods in a manner compliant with the contract
- there is a repeated defect in performance, despite the fact that our company has attempted to rectify the goods in a manner compliant with the contract
- the defect in performance is so serious that an immediate reduction in the purchase price or termination of the purchase agreement is warranted; or
- our company has not undertaken to rectify the goods in a manner compliant with the contract, or it is obvious from the circumstances that our company will not rectify the goods within a reasonable time or without significant detriment to the consumer.
If the consumer wishes to terminate the purchase agreement based on defective performance, it is our company's responsibility to prove that the defect is insignificant.
The consumer is entitled to withhold the remaining price due, to the extent necessary, to reflect the severity of the breach of contract, until our company fulfils its obligations regarding the compliant performance and defective performance.
General applicable rules
- Our company shall cover the costs of returning any replaced goods.
- If repair or replacement requires the removal of goods that have been installed according to the nature and purpose of the goods before the defect was discovered, then the obligation to repair or replace includes the removal of the defective goods and the installation of the replacement goods, or the costs of removal and installation.
The reasonable deadline for completing the repair or replacement of the goods starts from the time the consumer notified the company of the defect.
The consumer must make the goods available to our company for repair or replacement.
A reduction in the purchase price is considered proportionate if it is equal to the difference between the price the consumer would have been entitled to under a compliant performance and the value of the goods actually received by the consumer.
The consumer's right to terminate the purchase agreement based on the warranty is exercised by notifying our company of the decision to terminate the contract.
Warranty, guarantee and liability information for non-consumers
This section of the Consumer Information Notice applies only to non-consumers, while the rules relating to consumers are outlined in a separate section.
Non-consumers can assert the following warranty rights:
- They may request repair or replacement, unless the remedy they have chosen is impossible or disproportionately expensive for our company. If they do not request repair or replacement, or if they are not entitled to do so, they may request a reduction in the purchase price or, at our company's expense, they may repair or have the goods repaired by a third party, or, as a last resort, they may withdraw from the agreement.
- They may change the warranty right they have chosen to a different one, but they will bear the cost of the change unless the change is justified, or our company is responsible for it.
The warranty period for non-consumers is 1 year, starting from the date of delivery.
The rules governing warranty and guarantee rights are different for used goods than for general rules. Used goods may also be defective, but certain circumstances must be taken into account. In the case of used goods, some defects may occur more often during use, and their likelihood may increase with time. This means that a used item cannot be expected to be of the same quality as a new item. Therefore, consumers can only assert their warranty rights in the case of defects that occur independently of any defects that could be expected due to the goods being used. If the consumer is informed about a defect in the used goods, and the consumer is aware of this defect, our company is not liable for this known defect.
Guarantee and warranty
Non-consumers are not entitled to a warranty or guarantee. If our company provides a voluntary guarantee for a particular good, it will be stated at the time of purchase.
If a manufacturer provides a guarantee that also covers non-consumers, it can be exercised directly with the manufacturer.