I'm glad you're here!
We've created something for you that we believe is great. It will surely be useful, especially since you're currently sitting in front of a computer. Whether you're working, studying, or playing, it doesn't matter what you're doing in front of the monitor, but we do know that all of it takes a toll on your body. It's important to take breaks from time to time because it improves your performance, mood, physical well-being, hydration, and much more.
That's why the software is called: Kikapcsoló-GO (Disconnect-GO).
Since we often spend hours - almost - immobile, or repeating the same movements in front of machines, it's helpful to move around periodically.
It’s good for your body, mind, performance, and mood.
We could insert studies here showing how harmful it is what we "do to ourselves" day in and day out in front of the monitor, but I believe you are already fully aware of it and probably experience it yourself or see it in those around you. We could also include regulations that prescribe how often people working in front of computers should take breaks. (50/1999. (XI. 3.) EüM regulation on the minimum health and safety requirements for screen-based work)
The app is designed to help with this. You install it and then, according to your personal needs and daily schedule, you can set when, for example, a workout should start on your screen.
Don't worry! It won’t disturb your work, your messages, exams, or important phone calls, because we’ve added a pre-warning feature, allowing you to skip that session if needed. Hopefully, the next one will go smoothly, according to your plans. If you feel the need, we’ve also added an instantly accessible option to your desktop icon. But it’s not just about movement. There are eye exercises and hydration reminders too. You can set preferences for the videos, and much more. But you'll see a guide for that.
What I wanted to remind you of is that when the video starts, you’ll be moving with real people, not animated figures. And we’ve designed it so that, except for the standing exercises, it won’t be noticeable or disturbing if you're doing your exercises in a busy office.
But don't worry about difficult tasks! We've included a collection of exercises like spinal yoga, yoga, chi kung, pilates, physical therapy routines, and other movements that will take care of you and improve your well-being!
However, I want to remind you to always be attentive and careful, as only you can feel your current health or mental state. For example, if your neck is stiff, take it slow when starting any movement. The Kikapcsoló-GO will help, but if you’re not careful with yourself, you might strain something. Therefore, use everything at your own risk. I bet you’ll like it!
You can also request a reminder to drink – preferably water – because dehydration can slow you down, make you sick, and reduce your performance.
Don’t miss out on our eye exercises either, as we know how fantastic they’ll be for you in your everyday life. Plus, after using Kikapcsoló-GO, we’ll occasionally surprise you with jokes provided by a Hungarian caricaturist. (Many thanks to Leslie Tejlor)
I hope you’ll feel the positive effects of the software from the first days of use and let us know about it. Please email us at info@kikapcsologo.hu, thank you!
We’ve set our prices so that they’re affordable for you, with low rates, so you can subscribe to Kikapcsoló-GO for long-term movement, health maintenance, and performance enhancement. You can pay securely by card or transfer. After payment, you will receive an invoice in your name.
For companies, we can offer group rates, which you can request here.
Use the software for your health, success, and joy, and we will keep working to improve and provide useful updates for you!
and the Kikapcsoló-GO team